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Trump Should Keep Ethanol Promise

Midland Voices Editorial

By Troy Bredenkamp, Executive Director of Renewable Fuels Nebraska

Published in Omaha World Harold, April 13, 2018

Trump Ethanol Moves May Be Worse for Farmers Than Soy Tariff

Originally published by Bloomberg News

April 10, 2018

By Mario Parker

  • Change to biofuel mandate may mean destruction of corn demand.

  • Growers already dealing with trade concerns, crop gluts.


RFN Weighs in on Current Ethanol Debate...

Farmer Feal Ethanol Talks Could Destroy Rural Economy

From NTV Channel 13 Reporter Steve White

March 29, 2018

Governors Implore President to Maintain Support of Ethanol, Deny RFS Waiver Credit Scheme

Renewable Fuels Nebraska applauds Midwest governor's support of ethanol and their willingness to engage the Trump Administration regarding the impact biofuels has on their state's rural farm economy. 

Analysis: RIN Cap Would be Catastrophic for Renewable Fuels

Published by Renewable Fuels Association - March 1, 2018

University of Illinois Analysis: 10-Cent RIN Price Cap Would be 'Catastrophic' for Renewable Fuels

DOE: Ethanol Among Best Options for Future

Published by Renewable Fuels Association - February 15, 2018

New DOE Study: Ethanol Among Best Options for Future Engine Efficiency Improvements and Emissions Reduction

New Report Confirms Record Ethanol Exports in 2017

Published by Renewable Fuels Association (Feb. 6)

New RFA Report Confirms Record Ethanol Exports of 1.37 Billion Gallons in 2017


Americans Have Logged More Than 3 Billions Miles Using E15 Blend

From the Prairie Farmer...

E15 is proving to be safe and is approved for use in all vehicles 2001 and newer, as well as in all flex-fuel vehicles.

Retailers Finding it Easy and Profitable to Add Flex Fuel Blends

How hard is it for retailers to add flex-fuel blends?  Not hard at all.

By the American Coalition for Ethanol

Op-Ed: Rick Santorum: Refiners Attack President Trump at Their Peril

Source: By Rick Santorum, Washington Examiner • Posted: Tuesday, January 2, 2018