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Renewable Fuels Nebraska (RFN) Rushes to Fischer's Defense

June 26, 2017

Lincoln, NE

Today, RFN responded to a negative Op-Ed piece in the Grand Island newspaper targeting U.S. Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE) as it relates to ethanol and the purported subsidies the industry receives.

"Senator Fischer has been a proponent of the market-based system we have for ethanol as evidenced by her legislation, S. 517, the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act," said Mark Palmer, Executive Director of RFN.  We have not had subsidies or tax incentives in nearly a decade, and Senator Fischer understands  that, that is why she introduced S.517, because she believes consumers should have a choice when it comes to fuel -- that is market access."

Later this summer the Senate will consider S. 517, which will give consumers more choice at the pump, giving them access to Nebraska-grown fuels like E15.  This will will come before the Senate's Environmental and Public Works Committee, the committee of jurisdiction over the ethanol issue.  

As the number two ethanol producing state in the U.S., Nebraska seeks to usher in higher level blends like E15.  RFN believes that addressing the RVP issue will enable Nebraska to have greater access to E15.  Higher level blends of ethanol will given consumers a choice at the pump, while lowering the cost of fuel they purchase.  RFN is the producer organization of Nebraska ethanol producers, that together produce nearly 2.25 billion gallons annually, and home to 25 ethanol plants.

To read the RFN letter go to:


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