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Rep. Flood Introduces the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Information Act

Rep. Flood Introduces the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Information Act


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Congressman Mike Flood (R-NE) and Congressman Troy A. Carter, Sr. (D-LA), announced that they had introduced the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Information Act. This bill would direct the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA) to more explicitly include Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) on their weekly and monthly reports, consistent with other fuel types that are regularly reported on by the agency. 


“Nebraska is the second largest producer of biofuels in the nation and we’re constantly working to grow our bioeconomy,” said Rep. Flood. “Sustainable Aviation Fuel is an incredible growth opportunity that can help expand the biofuels industry and our rural economy. This commonsense legislation directs the EIA to start including SAF in data sets they publish, allowing stakeholders and industry to better understand how production is developing. Thank you to my colleagues, especially Congressman Carter, for stepping up and pushing to help include SAF in key reports as the industry takes off.”


“Aviation currently represents approximately 10 percent of our nation’s transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions,” said Congressman Carter, Sr. “Without coordinated action between government and industry, these emissions will continue to increase as more people and goods fly through our skies. Sustainable aviation fuel is an exciting, new green fuel with a proven record of success. I’m proud to introduce this bipartisan legislation to ensure America is on track to meet the growing demand for cleaner transportation and healthier communities. I'm committed to supporting innovative, eco-friendly aviation solutions like this.”


Congressman Flood has been an advocate for SAF, pushing to expand markets and introducing the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Accuracy Act of 2023 along with Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski (D-IL).


Congressman Salud Carbajal (D-CA), Congressman Chris Pappas (D-NH), Congressman Don Bacon (R-NE), Congresswoman Dina Titus (D-NV), and Congresswoman Hillary Scholten (D-MI) joined the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Information Act as original co-sponsors. 

Supporters of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Information Act include the Renewable Fuels Association, National Corn Growers Association, American Soybean Association, the SAF Coalition, Greater New Orleans Inc., American Sugar Cane League, National Corn Growers Association, Growth Energy, Renewable Fuels Nebraska, the Nebraska Soybean Association, the Nebraska Corn Growers Association, and the Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation.

Support for the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Information Act


“Sustainable aviation fuel is a big opportunity for American bioethanol producers and our farmer partners. Reporting SAF production and including this data in EIA's regular reports is a simple step that will help the entire industry track its progress and identify investment opportunities. We’re grateful to Rep. Flood and Rep. Carter for introducing this bill, and for taking steps to secure America’s position as a leader in SAF production.” - Emily Skor, CEO of Growth Energy


“As we work to speed up the development and deployment of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), real-time production and supply updates from the U.S. Energy Information Administration will offer crucial insights. These updates will play a key role in effectively scaling up SAF across the country." - Alison Graab, The Executive Director for the SAF Coalition


“We applaud Rep. Flood for introducing the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Information Act. This bill will help provide transparency for corn growers and the biofuels industry. In this emerging space, accountability is needed to ensure that American farmers are being properly credited for providing the feedstocks that will drive this new market.” - Harold Wolle, President for National Corn Growers Association


“We are grateful that Congressman Flood is co-introducing this legislation that would provide greater data transparency on this growing industry. Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), its production and usage, we believe provides a great opportunity for Nebraska corn farmers.” - Chris Grams, President of the Nebraska Corn Growers Association.


“Transparent and timely market data are critically important to help the nascent SAF industry get off the ground. This legislation would ensure SAF producers and users have the information they need to make informed decisions and smart investments. The Renewable Fuels Association thanks Reps. Flood and Carter for their leadership on this issue and we strongly support their legislation.” - Jared Mullendore, Policy Counsel and Director of Government Affairs for the Renewable Fuels Association


“We appreciate the work of Congressman Flood for introducing the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Information Act. Producing advanced biofuels in the United States promotes economic opportunities for communities across the country and increases market access for Nebraska farmers. Homegrown agricultural feedstocks play an important role in meeting the nation’s goal for clean fuel production.” - Lori Luebbe, Executive Director for the Nebraska Soybean Association




Taylor Gage | Communications Director

Office of Congressman Mike Flood (NE-01)

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